Your new product value flow assistant—my dependency breaking GPT


Hello flow junkies! If anything is omnipresent in organizations, it is dependencies, otherwise known as hand-offs. My coaching career has been dominated by helping organizations with the removal of this wasteful activity. Through dependency breaking, I have enabled dozens of organizations to empower their teams to take ownership of their end-to-end value flow.

Now, I want to make the mindset, strategies, and tactics around dependency breaking available for all to use. I had my most successful sign-up period ever with the launch of my first coaching AI companion, the Coach Lankford Continuous Improvement GPT. So, now, I am launching my second GPT tool, the Coach Lankford Dependency Breaking GPT.

Why create a GPT to pair with my coaching?

In my career as a consultant and now a business agility coach, I’ve consistently aimed to democratize knowledge in agile and lean thinking. My writings, available on platforms like Medium and, embody this philosophy. The Coach Lankford Dependency Breaking GPT isn’t just a replication of these methods and words; it’s a strategic move to expand their accessibility and application.

By compiling the core aspects of my approach in a GPT tool, I am enabling organizations and individuals to grasp the essentials of agile and lean effortlessly. This foundational understanding paves the way for the real challenge — tailoring and evolving these concepts to fit the unique fabric of an organization. And customizing to context is where the human touch of my coaching will have the most impact.

The GPT together with my customized coaching is a great marriage of easy knowledge access and a tailored application of it.

Exploring the dependency breaking GPT topics

The Coach Lankford Dependency Breaking GPT spans a diverse range of topics, including:

  • Dependency Elimination: Techniques and approaches to identify and remove dependencies that hinder workflow, impede progress, and negatively impact team dynamics and productivity.
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration: Tactics for cross-functional teamwork and collaboration across different domains and specialties to enhance efficiency, innovation, and the overall delivery of value to customers and end-users.
  • Lean Principles and Elimination of Waste: Ways to apply lean thinking to identify and remove waste in processes, particularly those caused by silos and unnecessary hand-offs, thereby streamlining operations and enhancing value flow.
  • Management Support and Enablement: Strategies on how managers can demonstrate leadership by helping to break dependencies within and across teams, fostering a more autonomous and effective flow of value for an organization.

These are just a sampling, derived from 64 of my dependency-relevant blog posts, presentations, and white papers. That’s over 110,000 words of curated content around my experiences related to agility and lean dependency breaking techniques!

Please note: This GPT experiment focuses solely on dependency breaking. I have other GPTs in the works for other needs, so stay tuned. Here is a sampling of what’s to come:

  • How managers can enable effective agile environments
  • Moving from output to outcomes
  • Product ops assistant
  • Starting less to finish more
  • Moving away from deadline-driven behavior
  • Building safety to enable effective teams to take flight

Engaging with the GPT: Specific prompts

The Dependency Breaking GPT is crafted to handle an array of queries around the topic of dependency breaking. Here is a sampling of some specific prompts you can use with the GPT:

“What is dependency breaking and why is it important?”

“How can I build capability on a stable team?”

“How do dependencies affect transparency?”

“How can leadership help break dependencies?”

And to have some fun, you can ask it for a myth vs. reality quiz or even a jeopardy game based on my coaching philosophy around dependency breaking.

When you start using the GPT, ask for a list of prompts. I have programmed the GPT with 40 prompts related to dependency breaking that might interest you. 

One special prompt is, “Give me some role-playing scenarios.” The scenario options you will get are steeped in the dependency-based situations we all typically face. And, as a fun twist, you can apply different themes to how the scenario plays out, like a Dilbert theme. I’ve found this to be both hilarious and informative at the same time.

Complement your journey with the Coach Lankford Dependency Breaking GPT

Dive into the Coach Lankford Dependency Breaking GPT and begin assimilating the fundamental principles that optimize end-to-end value flow. You can download this GPT here:

Figure 1: Access the Dependency Breaking GPT
Figure 1: Access the Dependency Breaking GPT

For those who wish to delve deeper into organizational change and adapt these strategies to your specific context, I am here for personalized coaching and consultancy. You can get started with my free business agility assessment.

Embark on your journey with Coach Lankford Dependency Breaking GPT and remove hand-offs for better value flow.

Step into a new era of my business agility coaching – even more accessible, practical, and transformative.

Oh, and if you are interested in my other companion GPT, you can find it here: Coach Lankford Continuous Improvement GPT.

Related Reads

You can read some popular posts on dependency breaking that feed this GPT below:

This post was also published on Medium.

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