Escape backlog chaos with 5 tips for Product Owners to deliver real value. Focus on outcomes, user needs, and early wins over endless tickets.
Transform Scrum by focusing on learning, not deadlines. Avoid common pitfalls and make your Sprints more effective with a learning-forward approach.
Discover the 4 root causes killing Scrum’s effectiveness and learn practical ways to revive its potential. Scrum isn’t dead, but it needs reviving.
Is it more important to build the “right” thing, build it “right,” or treat the team “right?” I explore how these three “rights” contribute to great products in my latest post.
There are tremendous benefits to practicing daily habits. They keep your product delivery healthy. They ensure the smooth running of your team. And they keep value flowing.
Have you ever noticed how fast you can improve with Scrum? Have you seen your mistakes reduce? Are problems visible more often? There is something subtle at play here that is built into the framework.
It requires an effortless, simple, and high-bandwidth approach. If you know me, you know my feelings about collaboration. In short,…
These stories highlight how engagement plays a big part. Yesterday, I did Scrum. Today, I am doing Scrum. No impediments.…
Change is hard. Letting go can help. This is true in yoga, life, and Scrum. Read more about embracing change in my latest post.
Let’s learn from the origins of Scrum to reach a hyper-productive state.