Speed happens when you are lighter and more focused. This is the second post in a series on limiting what…
The myth of multi-tasking. In the rush to show progress, we often feel that the busier we are, the better.…
Spend your political capital to remove organizational barriers. There are five prior posts in this series on dependency breaking: In…
Keep use case flow within the team. There are four prior posts in this series on dependency breaking: In this…
Swarm on your work to finish fast. There are three prior posts in this series on dependency breaking: Breaking dependencies…
Stop starting, and start finishing. There are two prior posts in this series on dependency breaking: Breaking dependencies at the…
Don’t coordinate dependencies, break them. When teams are struggling with dependencies, you might hear the following statements or something similar:…
Don’t stop short of your true Agile potential. Is being good at Agile enough? Making the change to Agile does…
Apply inspection and adaptation regardless of the outcome. Transparency is key to continuous improvement. However, it is difficult to embrace…
Make serving the team your first instinct. This post completes the analysis of J. Richard Hackman’s article, The Six Common…