Don’t coordinate dependencies, break them. When teams are struggling with dependencies, you might hear the following statements or something similar:…
Don’t stop short of your true Agile potential. Is being good at Agile enough? Making the change to Agile does…
Apply inspection and adaptation regardless of the outcome. Transparency is key to continuous improvement. However, it is difficult to embrace…
Make serving the team your first instinct. This post completes the analysis of J. Richard Hackman’s article, The Six Common…
You play a role in enabling self-organizing teams. This post continues the analysis of J. Richard Hackman’s article, The Six…
Face-to-face interaction never goes out of style. This post continues the analysis of J. Richard Hackman’s article, The Six Common…
Small teams bring big power. This post continues the analysis of J. Richard Hackman’s article, The Six Common Misperceptions About…
Teams continue to grow the longer they stay together This post continues the analysis of J. Richard Hackman’s article, The…
Friction is a good thing. Many of the traditional beliefs about teams work against the potential benefits of teams. J.…
Explore six Agile leader patterns for building successful teams, focusing on perspectives, stability, size, interaction, self-organization, and service.