Focus on the bare essentials to regain sanity.
We are all transported into a storm due to COVID-19. Short Sprints can help Scrum teams navigate these challenges through a rapid feedback loop.
A policy for problem-solving embraces empiricism as the normal mode of team operation. When moving to a Problem-solving Policy, you…
Intent-Driven Leadership is a logical step on your journey to build a problem-solving habit.
Start with a deep inspection of your existing habits.
The customer of your change initiative is your team and the people in it. Put your teams at the helm of change. This will ensure your success.
To be agile, we desperately need active engagement by Agile Leaders.
Better, Faster, and Cheaper is not the goal of Agile
We need safety to form the mindset necessary for change.
Visualizing the work outperforms a status report every time Agile deprioritizes the status report in favor of promoting the self-organizing…