It requires an effortless, simple, and high-bandwidth approach. If you know me, you know my feelings about collaboration. In short,…
These stories highlight how engagement plays a big part. Yesterday, I did Scrum. Today, I am doing Scrum. No impediments.…
Change is hard. Letting go can help. This is true in yoga, life, and Scrum. Read more about embracing change in my latest post.
Let’s learn from the origins of Scrum to reach a hyper-productive state.
This is my e-mail story. And why I rarely use e-mail today.
Resistance used to frighten me. Now I embrace it.
A policy for problem-solving embraces empiricism as the normal mode of team operation. When moving to a Problem-solving Policy, you…
Intent-Driven Leadership is a logical step on your journey to build a problem-solving habit.
Bounded Innovation can help you get started with building a problem-solving culture. Read more to uncover five ways to jump-start your problem-solving journey using Scrum.
As an Agile Leader, help your teams get back to their innate curiosity and build a problem-solving habit.